01 847 3522
Donahies Community School

Parents Association


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The Parent Teacher Association

Parent Voice is very important in our school and we have had an active P.T.A. since the school began. All our families are automatic members of our association and then we have a core committee that consists of defined roles. We have a Chairperson, Irene Keegan this year, a secretary Terri Kennedy this year, a Teacher Rep, Geraldine O’Leary this year and a Treasurer, Jean Sutcliffe this year. We have a core committee of approx. 12 -15 parents. We meet one every 6 weeks. Our role is very different to a primary parent association; we only fundraise once a year in our annual pub quiz. We provide feedback to school management, manage uniform sales, present prizes at school events, develop policy and help out at school events like talks, musicals and open nights.

We have great fun and there is always someone who can help out, so feel free to come and join one of our meetings. Email g.oleary@donahiescs.ie to find out when the next one is.

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Donahies Community School
Streamville Road
Dublin 13

01 847 3522

© 2025 Donahies Community School